1 The Bible
2 A dictionary
3 An atlas
1 The Bible
Traditional Jewish and Christian families believe that the Bible's teachings (honor your parents, do not steal etc.) should be a part of everyday life, not something we only read on Saturday or Sunday.
EasyEnglish Bible Translation: Deuteronomy 6:5-7
v5 Love the *Lord your God with all of your mind and your thoughts. Make him the most important person in your lives. Think about him every day. v6 Remember with love all these rules that I give to you today. v7 Teach them and explain them every day to your children. Talk about them when you sit at home. Talk about them when you walk along the road. Repeat them when you lie down. Repeat them when you get up.
Deuteronomy 申命記 6:5-7
6:5 你們要全心、全情、全力愛上主─你們的上帝。
6:6 今天我向你們頒佈的誡命,你們要放在心裏,
6:7 殷勤教導你們的兒女。無論在家或出外,休息或工作,都要不斷地溫習這誡命。
6:6 今天我向你們頒佈的誡命,你們要放在心裏,
6:7 殷勤教導你們的兒女。無論在家或出外,休息或工作,都要不斷地溫習這誡命。
台灣聖經公會 http://cb.fhl.net/
2 A dictionary
In a healthy family, parents and children sit together at the dinner table or in front of the TV. They will talk about their day in school/at work, today's news etc. Parents want to help their children speak and write better English (The best way is to teach by example 以身作則. If you are always too busy or too lazy to check a dictionary, your children will never check either. Buy a good dictionary and use it). If somebody uses a difficult new word or the wrong word, a dictionary is nearby. Children who often check the dictionary will do well in school.
When the family reads the newspaper, watches TV news or or an interesting program on National Geographic or Discovery channel, they often talk about new places. If children are curious, they can learn more about these places in an atlas.
If you know where things are, it is easier to make friends with foreigners.
Foreigner: “I’m from Uganda”
You: “Is that in Africa?”
Foreigner: “Yes, it is.”
What do they speak in Uganda?
In our first story, a man takes a train in Finland. Finland is part of Scandinavia
(= Northern Europe).
Try these three habits at home.